Saving money is the only way to becoming financially secure. Achieving financial security prepares you for those scary life emergencies and living well on your own terms. Unfortunately, saving money ...
Viewing category: Saving Money + Time
Time is money! Check out these easy passive side hustles and lifestyle strategies that optimize and help you save time (ie, save money!)
25 Simple 5-Ingredient Meals for Under $5 to Feed a Whole Family
Check out some of the easiest recipes you can execute on a tight budget with only a few ingredients. Make portions big enough to feed an entire army with these simple 5-ingredient only meal recipes ...
51 Healthy Frugal Dinner Recipes You Can Make for Under $2
On a tight budget? Yeah, I know that feeling. You know the budget-friendly classics: rice, beans, cabbage, and chicken. It can get old after a week or two. Here are some various healthy, easy, ...
How To Save Money on Car & Insurance for Young Drivers
Getting a car is one thing, the cost that comes with owning a car is an added expense that people don't always think about. Young car owner wants to get a car and often budgets for the car without ...
SimpleBills Review – All in One Bill Management
SimpleBills is an all on one bill management system that allows its users to consolidate utility bills into one invoice. It is a good choice if you are the type of person who wants simplicity in ...
22 Best Sites to Score Free Product Samples By Mail ?
You know that meme of Oprah pointing to her audience yelling, “You get a car! You get a car! Everybody gets a car!” over and over again? People love that meme, and more prevalently, people love free ...
35 Thoughtful, Practical Christmas Gifts Perfect for Everyone (Under $25)
“We got hot water, heating, WiFi and the sky” - Rich House, Poor House.How many things does a person really need? Another scarf? Another waffle maker?A Christmas present that doesn't end up in the ...
12 Salon Secrets to Save Hundreds of Dollars Off Your Manicures ?
My 8th-grade teacher told us you can learn a lot about a person’s hygiene habits by looking at their nails.True words, Ms. Bluth.The average trip to the nail salon cost between $30 to $50 after tips. ...
Save Money & Mother Earth: Skip These 10 Things ?
1. Straws I was shocked to learn that straws are one of the worst things for the environment. Straws are not disposable and the BPA laced plastic does not break down, ever. There are 500 million ...
Invest In Wealth By Spending It First On These 10 Things!
We like to think of saving money as a linear 1-2-3 event where we save a few dollars first here and there in order to save that amount down the road.However, saving money isn't always as easy as a ...