3D printing is one of the newest technologies being used for product production. Unlike its industrial counterpart, 3D Printers usually do the bulk of work in creating the final product. These printers are very popular to hobbyist and professionals who often find custom parts more efficient and effective for their projects. However, with the rise of the demand for custom parts, 3D Printing seems to be the next global industry.

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Table of Contents
What Is 3D Printing?
3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing. It’s basically a printer that creates three-dimensional objects by placing layer and layers of physical material going by the rules of its installed programmed plan. Regular printers are done in 2D (printed a sheet of paper) which does not show depth or dimension but 3D printing can.
There are a lot of benefits when it comes to building parts through 3D printing. According to the US Department Of Energy, 3D printing enables manufacturers to create new shapes and lighter parts without an additional step to the manufacturing system.
The process of 3D printing is also more energy-efficient, with the lower energy use of up to 50 percent compared to traditional manufacturing processes.
How To Make Money With 3D Printing
Mastering and offering your 3D printer as a service business is one of the ways to make money. A lot of people who don’t have printing knowledge or tools would want to have a part in this new world. In addition, there is a limitless possibility with a lot of different product specializations (which we will review below) that a 3D printing business can choose from. Here are the 18 product ideas that you can start within for 3D business:
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18 Product Ideas For 3D Printing Business
1) 3D Fake Nails
There are a few 3d nail printing companies out there but none of them have tapped into the potential that is here. Easy peel and stick nails are reusable, disposable, and have a large fanbase which means your profit will be fairly stable.

- Benefits of 3D printing this product: It’s easy to use and cheap to produce if you can master the art form as The Laser Girls did. You can paint any form of nail art you want without squinting your eye to paint the details 10 times.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product: Might not be comfortable if the materials used are not good. The designs could be ‘clunky’ because of the ‘newness’ of this printing technology. Competitors could (without much effort) duplicate your design easily.
2) 3D Harry Potter Wands
Cosplayingcharacter in the Harry Potter series is not complete without the stylish wands. Creating a creative copy with real wood is possible, but it would take a lot of effort, time, and money. By 3D printing those magical beautiful wands, they will make unbelievable gifts for all Potter fans. All you have to do is to buy or download a design plan from the internet and finish the final product with paint and polish. You will save a lot of time by printing the product instead of shaving a piece of wood to a twig and sanding it.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product: Cost-efficient and requires no labor. Copyright-free for the most part, since they’re just wand designs.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product: Fan demand and practicability come into question. It’s not something that’s necessary or renewable.
3) 3D Animal Skull Figures
You might be wondering about why would someone want to print an animal skull figure? In reality, skull figures of animals and even humans are used in a lot of industries such as animal science, medicine, and even art. They’re beautiful, symmetrical, uniform and edgy.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product: Customizable, lighter, durable end product with a wide range to express your creativity.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product: Needs accurate and intricate designs plans.
4) 3D Printed Earrings
This is perfect for women who want to wear custom-designed jewelry. Some 3D companies are already offering this kind of service in several materials – the versatility is unbound with 3d printing. The demand is steadily growing for a good reason. These earrings don’t contain nickel, which typically causes allergies to some skin types. Additionally, filament materials are light and durable, yet recyclable and can be used again on other projects. And since the 3D printer will do the majority of the work, the cost will be much cheaper and quicker to complete.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product: Light, durable, customizable, and cheaper to produce with a huge upside for profit and market cap.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product: Competitors could (without much effort) duplicate your design easily.
5) 3D Architectural Models
3D printing is a technology that can make the life of architects easier. With this new technology, architects are able to improve the efficiency of their workflow. Before, 3D architectural models were made by hand which was a long and tedious process. Architectural materials used before included cardboard, wood, and foam – they were not that durable.
With 3D printing, architects are assured that they will get perfect models while working and spending their time on different tasks requiring their attention. The 3D models are more precise and more convenient, as well as cheaper and reusable (some models can be used in other similar projects).
This business concept can be done through either brick-and-mortar or an online, location independent business.
By making it an order-based business, you could help diversify home and building designers create a perfect 3D image/ illustration of their designs in real life.
By online, individuals who already have their own design can send it online. Your business will have to print and send it to the client and earn a profit.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
It is very lucrative, and it offers amazing growth. Purchasers of this product often stick with their providers, in the event that the provider executes their projects proficiently.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
You need to learn a lot about 3D designs and how to properly print it or you can hire for a professional to help teach you the ropes. There are other skills such as marketing and web building that goes hand in hand with your own online business.
6) 3D Printed Slippers & Flip-Flops
The concept of 3D printed flip flops is one of the most random concepts in the market. Slippers? Really?
You’ll be surprised by the number of people who are willing to pay money just to buy a customized, ultra-comfortable pair of flip flops to use in their daily lives. It makes sense though, foot pain is one of those things that everyone deals with at one point or another.
Flip flop manufacturers usually mass-produce their products in uniform. The lack of customization causes discomfort to wearers since we all have different sizes, shapes, and builds on our body. This is also the reason why worn-in flip flops are more comfortable to use after some wear and tear as it accommodates the real form of the feet.
But with 3D printing slippers, you can create a pair of flip flops that takes the shape, size, volume, and curves of the wearer’s feet right away. It’s easy to get materials that would offer immediate comfort. With the variety of materials that can be used, customers can also opt for a more durable or more comfortable option based on their preference. Users also reported that customized flip flops improved their posture and feel better overall than mass-manufactured ones.
In addition, creating a digital 3D design of your feet can be done via a tap in your smartphone, which makes the process easier and more convenient. Customers can also submit any custom designs that they want, so you can have an Avengers-themed, Game of Thrones-themed, or any theme that you want.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
A lot of benefits for customers can attract more users. Cheaper alternative if you’re a startup. Additional sales online. Lots of renewable volumes (because people will always need slippers and footwear.)
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Probably need to outsource or consult with a podiatrist (or an MD with knowledge in footwear comfort.) Need a dependable method for checking feet (you need to use apps that you may have to purchase) and you have to use a bigger print bed.
7) 3D Printed Gems & Jewelry
Want to give a special ring for someone? Are you ready to propose to your loved ones but cannot find the perfect ring?
For centuries, what makes a piece of good jewelry is its intricate design and the materials used in making it. Molding melted metals into jewelry is a hard job, especially if the design is very complex and detailed. This adds to the cost of the finished product. And it would be more expensive if you’re planning to give a custom one.
Fortunately, it is now possible to produce high-quality jewelry with 3D printing. The jewelry will not be printed via a 3D printer. Instead, a molder made in plastic or wax resins where the melted metal will be poured is printed according to a design made in CAD. As the metal hardens, it will take the design from the mold. This makes jewelry-making faster, more precise, and more reliable than the traditional one. This is a win-win situation for both the jeweler and the customer.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Custom jewelry can be very lucrative and already has a solid fan base. You can have your products displayed online or work alongside huge companies looking to trim cost or follow this trend, especially if your product is well crafted.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
You need to be a jewelry expert or trained enough to properly craft the molds needed. Perhaps your partner is a jeweler or crafter? It is still a very niche field.
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8) 3D Printed Vases
A vase usually serves as a decor in a home, commonly it is a piece that sets the vibe of a certain room just like a statement piece. It can make your living room look awesome. But one of the biggest disadvantages of traditional vases is that they are heavy, hard to make, and can easily break after a fall.
3D printing answers all of these problems because 3D printed vases are light, customizable, and does not break when you accidentally drop it. It also requires minimum materials and has a precise design. That’s why it is one of the most printed 3D products as of now, according to Fabbaloo.
You don’t have to look for any niche or group to sell your products. All you have to do is to make sure that they come with premium designs which is in inline with your brand. Depending on the execution of these products and the creativity you have, you can make a lot of money selling them.
In addition for custom vases, you can also manufacture original designs that users can choose from. One example is the glow in the dark vases!
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
It is one of the simplest projects to set up and construct. Little expertise required to create it.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Competitors could (without much effort) duplicate your structures, so it is imperative to produce vases that bear the marks of your brand and develop new designs regularly.
9) Gaming Props & Figurines
Sales of character figures, especially in the field of movies and TV shows, has grown a lot in the past years in accordance with the multi-billionaire entertainment industry. Props and figurines have been popular for collectors who started from comic, manga, and anime hobbies. An exceptionally well-made figure can cost a lot, especially to collectors and fans.
Fan favorites and well-known characters will fetch higher prices in the market right now, more so if these are limited edition collectibles. This 3D printed life-size Iron-Man suit managed to fetch $35,000.
In addition to toys and props based on big franchises, 3D printing also makes it possible to print in real-life sizes. This could be a game-changer for cosplayers who want to level up their craft.
One of the most popular examples is printing the model of lightsaber handle from the Star Wars franchise. A good demographics for this kind of products (toys and props) are hobbyists that want to make their own figure or props but ordinarily wouldn’t have a way to do so.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
You’ll enjoy high returns – in the event that you can create a well-crafted prop (like the iron man suit), you’ll make a lot of sales and delight fans everywhere.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
The project is very demanding and stressful, yet you could accelerate things by automating some tasks (for example, printing little bunches of same parts, painting them at the same time and so on). There are also copyright issues unless you can creatively upgrade the design to your own.
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10) Customized Electronic Cases
For years, the electronic cases market is one of the many fashionable accessories that enable you to show off your personal style. There are people who prefer cases because of the extra protection at the cost of making their phones heavier. There are also people who like lighter and flexible cases for scratch and dust protection.
Although phones and laptop cases have been artistic, customization was not the biggest strength of these protective accessories. In addition, there are some phones that don’t have a specific case. Every time you got a new phone, you would need to find a new case.
Fortunately, with 3D printers, they can now print phone or laptop cases in any color and in any design. This is extremely useful, especially on forever changing smartphones where there’s a lot of variances.
Currently, 3D printed phone case providers online gives clients the option to choose their specific phone brand and design, easy-peasy.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
High target market (a lot of people uses smartphones), cost-effective and is easy to start. There is a lot of room for creativity and profit.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Different phone models, material requirements, and designs mean that you have to print differently for each client.
11) Bone Replacement
Another promising project for 3D printing is for the printing of 3D materials for bone transplant. This is a relatively new idea, but it already has a lot of successes in its trials. One such example is the creation of a Hyperelastic Bones via 3D printing process, which was developed by Northwestern University.
The 3D implant provides a framework and promotes the growth of real bones. Think of it as a mold for bone growth. With these findings, regrowing a lost bone is now possible, albeit the amount of time needed.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
You can charge a decent amount of money for this product because of its efficiency and success.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Not an entry-level hobbyist project. You might not have a lot of long-term customers and it’s definitely not for printing beginners. The legal liabilities are skyhigh.
12) Customized Earbuds
One of the most neglected aspects of earbuds production is comfort. The first thing that consumers will try to get is better sound quality. But the sound quality might mean less if the earbuds are not comfortable to wear.
Fret not, as Formlabs introduced their own 3D printed customized earbuds. Their earbuds take the size of your ear and provide long-term comfort with an additional noise reduction feature. Manufacturing custom earbuds was never economical. However, because of 3D printing, it is now very possible.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Big market size and is easier to print that most of the products in the list.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Need to have a good ear scanning device for accuracy.
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13) Customized Eye Glasses Frames
You would be shocked at how expensive good eyeglass frames could fetch on the market. In addition to being a framing tool for your face, glasses are also a tool for self-expression. They complete your look, they complete you.
Most of us pick frames that are pre-made because custom ones are extremely expensive. 3D printed frames will typically allow for faster and cheaper production while also focusing on additional comfort.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Glasses are a huge billion-dollar industry. Even entertaining 1-2% of that market share will mean instant success. These frames companies can hold customer loyalty and people who wear glasses typically buy multiple (like sunglasses or seasonal frames.)
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
For prescription devices, you need to have knowledge in eye conditions, or you can employ an optician or optometrist to work on the details. For fashion frames, it’s beginner-friendly but you are impacting your market reach (since people who wear glasses often need prescriptions.)
14) 3D Printed Houses
Yes! They can print ENTIRE houses! In this country where house mortgages are a large part of the monthly budget, you might be dreaming about an option that gives you a cheaper and more practical housing choice. If you’re up for it, then you might consider buying a 3D printed house.
The 3D printing company called Icon managed to build a structure around 2,000 sq ft in just 24 hours for around $4,000! A lot cheaper than the price to build a traditional home.
Your possible target market are those on hard terrains, which makes construction harder, but 3D printing can bypass that. However, this option might only be economical for small size houses. A good market would be 3D printing tiny homes for homeless or government projects.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Printing is pretty straightforward, has a lot of potentials to become a great housing alternative.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Need to have experience in house construction.
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15) Custom Shoes
Custom shoes are very similar to the custom flip flops concept in which wearers will take pics of their foot for a 3D foot model. The company Adidas will build the best form of your shoes for comfort. You can easily choose your design to customize your shoes. These custom shoes are aimed for athletes, a move that plans to help in customizing the need based on the sport. This was done before by the use of foam, but it can wear out after a lot of use. With 3D printed customized shoes, people will experience a more comfortable shoe experience.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Although this product is aimed at athletes, anyone who wants to buy comfortable shoes can also be treated as a prospective customer.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Might not be a good idea for mass production.
16) Custom Chess Pieces
Who would’ve thought that the game of chess could be even more fun? With 3D printing, you can make themed chess pieces of your own, and others might like it too. It’s a great way to sell creativity if you have the right idea with limitless combos.
In addition, the chess pieces you’ll going to build will be more durable and less susceptible to fall damage than wood pieces. Someone even made a Clinton VS Trump themed chess board for fun. It is also a good way to get your children to start playing this game, as it has a lot of benefits, especially in teaching the importance of quickly making critical decisions.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Endless options for creativity, popular and expandable (it could work with connect 4 pieces or other classic board games.)
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Most people don’t replace their chess boards often, it’s not something that’s renewable.
17) Learning Robotics (e.g. Raspberry Pi Projects)
Automation is one of the greatest things modern technology has brought to our world. The feat was possible because of the changes and enhancements done in robotics and machinery. From home products like robo sweeper vacuums to corporate drones like JD.com’s delivery robots, it is not a secret that the future will become a place for more advancement in robotics.

A lot of people likes to learn robotics because of its potential in the future. Right now, 3D printing goes alongside that. Those who likes to learn robotics start learning through computer kits like the Raspberry Pi and 3d printing gives them more room to build the scope of what they are thinking. For people who are learning robotics, building their first robots using 3D printed blueprint could be the cheapest alternative.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Can attract even younger audiences, free online resources, has great potential in the future.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
The fast-paced changes in the technology will have to make it hard for you to find a standard and more cost-effective printing routines.
18) 3D Printed Prosthetics
Getting a prosthetics hand is a very expensive feat. The need and demand for getting one are high. The cost of building and customizing prosthetics is astronomical. This is also the reason why a lot of patients prefer not to get customized prosthetics hand, ignoring its many benefits.
Depending on the customization required, a single prosthetic hand can cause thousands of dollars. According to the World Health Organization, there are an estimated 30 million people in the world who needs prosthetic and orthotics devices as our population age.
3D Printed Prosthetics are way cheaper than the usual prosthetic hands that are used today. It can only cost as little as $50, and the patient can choose materials and customize the design. This is also a cheaper alternative for people who are born with missing body parts, as they usually outgrow their devices.
3D printed Prosthetics and Orthotics are even lighter than their counterpart, depending on the materials used. Designs are also available online and can be downloaded and printed for free.
- Benefits of 3D printing this product:
Target market is quite small, but clients will likely stick with your products in the long run. Models are available online for free, there is major online support. It can do a lot of good for the world.
- Disadvantages of 3D printing this product:
Not all people have the same standard need, should have some background in prosthetics because its a professional medical device.
Legalities of 3D Printing
3D Printing can make almost anything and in much cheaper ways too. But before you can dive into 3D business, you must know what you are 3D printing is legal or not. Although you can make any designs, print them, and use for personal use – the table turn when it comes to commercial use.
3D Printing is a relatively new technology, so the laws covering the topic are still scarce. But there are two important legalities you need to know before diving into a 3D printing business:
Intellectual Property & Copyright Law
The first one is the Intellectual Property & Copyright Laws, which protect creators from other people who plan to copy their works. CAD files, which are files containing the electronic design, can be easily transferred. This can cause counterfeit products and is not good for the IP owner. A white paper from a Dutch law firm De Clercq Advocaten Notarissen, which is featured by 3ders in their site, proposes a system similar to the music and film industries, in which there would be a platform for trading CAD files.
Product Liability
Imagine this case: you are managing your 3D printing business, as usual, accepting orders and printing them. Later on that day, you received a design which prints a firearm, a revolver that can hurt or kill innocent people. Would you print it or not? This actually happens when a mechanical engineering student named James Patrick designed and printed a 3D revolver gun!
He even made the design available for free on his site. It is still not clear whether you, the printer or the designer is liable in this case. Very shocking moral argument will only persist with 3D printers.
In addition, there is also a talk about liabilities for defects. If the product printed doesn’t work, who will be the one liable: the printer or the designer? This matter is still being discussed, but it does not change the fact that things like this will impact the future of 3d printing business.
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Income Potential
3D printing is a highly profitable business because of its rising demand. However, the capital and time investment needed to make sure you’ll deliver your customer’s needs is also high.
Starting off at the printer itself, the average consumer 3D printer used by hobbyist can cost around $700. Meanwhile, there are budget type printers which only cost around $200, but you will get what you paid for. For professional use, such as printing on large scale, most of the printers will fall to the price range of $9,000 to $10,000.
There are also different types of materials used during printing. Filaments and powders are usually the cheapest material for your printing. Depending on the quality and type of materials, Filaments can range from $20 up to $70 per kg. Polymers powders can cause from $45 to $75 per kg. Standard SLA resins are available for $50 per liter. Other factors such as the electricity used to power the printer and machine cool down time need to be accounted for.
3D printing is a very tedious thing to learn, as you need to know how the printer works and the materials it uses to print something. There are a lot of materials available, which can be overwhelming for a newbie. Each material also has a specific use, so it is recommended to learn printing one material perfectly.
Although 3D printing is a fun thing to learn, you’ll need to dedicate a huge portion of your time to learn the printer. There are free online classes for 3D printing available, so make sure to use these free resources.
Startup price can be daunting for a lot of people who want to start a 3D printing business. BUT, the revenue per order is worth it. A 36.96 x 39.19 x 30.65 mm model can be printed in Polypropylene for as low as $40.
Usage of 3D printing is starting to become widespread in a lot of industries. Its potential is expected to rise throughout the years.
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Future Potential
3D printing is no doubt one of the most promising recent technology in the world and people are excited to see how it will evolve. This could mean more efficient material handling, less power consumption; anything that can improve the process of 3D printing. When things are more efficient, it can also lower the cost of the final product. With the cheaper price, more products are expected to be produced through 3D printing. Some of the 3D printed products are already competing with their traditional counterparts.
Last but not least, the biggest effect of 3D printing, and its biggest future potential is in the field of medicine. There are already implementable ideas such as bone replacement that will improve the lives of people through 3D implants. As technology improves more, it is not impossible that there will be more and more life-changing or life-saving products created by 3D printing.
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